Foxconn Faces Another Strike

Friday, January 11, 2013


According to China Labor Watch (“CLW”) and information gathered on Chinese websites, a strike took place at Foxconn Group’s Xin Hai Yang Precision (Jiangxi) Ltd. factory on January 11. Multiple sources reveal the strike was based on workers’ demands for a raise in wages. Currently, the workers’ monthly base salary is 1,300 RMB ($209 USD). During peak seasons, workers may earn up to 2,600 RMB ($417.8 USD), including overtime, if they work 12 hours a day, 26 days a month. But during off seasons, which last from February to June, workers may only earn the base salary. After deductions, the workers are earning merely 1,100 RMB ($177 USD) per month. Further, Foxconn provides no communication channels for workers to voice their frustrations. According to strike participants, they carried out this strike to demand higher wages. And if Foxconn refuses to raise wages, then they will not return to the factory from home after Spring Festival this year.

The strike began in the evening on January 10. Over 200 workers working the night shift carried out the strike. Some day-shift workers joined them the next day. Jian Yi Avenue near the Foxconn factory was blocked by the workers. The government of Fengcheng, Jiangxi sent police officers to the scene.

According to CLW source, Foxconn will conduct labor union elections in 2013. CLW appeals to Foxconn to elect a labor union which can actually represent the workers and establish communication and negotiation mechanisms between workers and the company so as to improve workers’ conditions.

Strike participants uploaded photos onto the internet. Some of these are included on the right.
