China Labor Watch Receives $36,609 from CREDO for Strengthening the Rights of Chinese Workers

Friday, February 28, 2014


NEW YORK – China Labor Watch (CLW) announced today that it received $36,609 from CREDO, a progressive American phone company, to support CLW’s tireless work to strengthen the respect of labor rights in China. CREDO has donated more than $76 million to organizations committed to social change since the company was founded in 1985.

CLW is grateful to receive this funding, which will directly support a number of CLW programs, including assistance to workers, CLW’s worker hotline, and the continued effort to increase transparency of Chinese factory labor conditions through rigorous investigation.

CLW was nominated by CREDO customers and chosen among hundreds of nonprofits to be featured as one of forty groups eligible in 2013 to receive funding for its work to strengthen the rights of Chinese workers. CREDO customers then helped decide how much money each nonprofit received by simply voting online or via paper ballot. Learn more about CREDO’s donations program.

In addition, CREDO helped garner public support for CLW in a number of campaigns in 2013, including a pressure campaign focused on the toy company Mattel to respond to allegations about widespread labor violations in its factories. Due in part to CREDO supporters, Mattel agreed to open a dialogue with CLW.

In total, CREDO is donating $2,512,344 this year to progressive groups that work to stop the acceleration of climate change, protect women’s rights and civil liberties, among many other progressive causes.