Salcomp Plc’ Response to "Tragedies of Globalization: The Truth Behind Electronics Sweatshops"

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mr Li Qiang

China Labor Watch
147 W 35th ST.
STE406 New York
New York 10001
Dear Mr Li Qiang,
I have looked at your report and also China Labor Watch web site with great interest. It seems lik&e your information of Salcomp business partners is not up to date. Salcomp has no business with the companies mentioned in your report. Flextronics used to be our subcontractor but that has stopped 2004.
This is why I ask you kindly to remove Salcomp name in your web site and the report.
However since Salcomp takes it’s Corporate Social Responsibility seriously I still would like to give my comments to the important topics you raised up.
1. We have independent Union in Salcomp Shenzhen. Employees can also provide their anonymous feedback via HR or Union mail box. We also have internal newsletter, Salcomp Today, and feedback from employees is published in it. Chairperson of the Union also writes articles about some employee questions that have general interest.
2. Salcomp supplier list is confidential and cannot be published as such. However we audit our suppliers regularly to ensure they are compliant with international CSR regulations. We develop our internal practices based on OHSAS 18001 and E-tasc and we demand and audit these also from our suppliers.
3. Our customers and local government audits us regularly related to CSR. Salcomp has passed a third party audit done by the requirements of EICC and we are a member of E-tasc. We also welcome NGOs to visit us.
4. Salcomp organizes leadership development trainings for managers regularly.
5. During customer audits our employees are asked questions and they can provide feedback.
I attach for your information Salcomp code of conduct.
Kind regards,
Markku Hangasjärvi
President and CEO of Salcomp Plc