June in China Labor Rights

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Labor rights violations found at Amazon supplier factory

Amazon and its original equipment manufacturer, Foxconn, were criticized for a series of labor rights violations at a plant in Hengyang, China. According to a report released by China Labor Watch, 40% of Hengyang Foxconn’s workers are dispatch workers. Dispatch workers can only make up 10% of the total number of workers according to China Labor Law. Dispatch workers do not receive the same wages as regular staff and face the risk of being laid off during production stagnations. Kara Hartnett Hurst, Amazon’s sustainability executive responded that they recognize their responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of factory workers manufacturing products for Amazon and will provide a detailed remediation plan for each violation issue.

Truck drivers on strike in several provinces 

Truck driver strikes in China have been surging since June 9. Truck drivers from several provinces including Jiangxi, Shanghai, Hubei, Anhui, Chongqing, Shandong, and Guizhou gathered on highways, national roads and parking lots, claiming that high oil prices, high tolls, and random traffic fines makes it harder to earn enough to sustain a livelihood. Li Qiang, the Executive Director of China Labor Watch, points out that strikes are challenges for authoritarian states, and could affect legislation and urge trade unions to protect workers’ rights.

Doctors who wrongly diagnosed workers with black lung disease released on bail

Doctors from Guizhou Aeraspace Hospital, Huang Hengping, Zhang Xiaobo and Dong Yourui, were released on bail (qu bao hou shen 取保候审) on June 23 after 7 months in detention. They were detained with the charge of wrongly diagnosing several hundreds of workers with pneumoconiosis, a disease caused by industrial dust, leading to unnecessary health insurance costs.

Iron mine explodes in Benxi, Liaoning

An iron mine exploded in Benxi, Liaoning on June 5th , killing 11 people and injuring nine. 23 workers have been rescued successfully and two miners are still missing.

Jiangsu veterans protest in Zhenjiang for better welfare 

Veterans in Jiangsu gathered in Zhenjiang to protest for better welfare, but they were violently expelled by CCP authorities. Veterans throughout China continued to travel to Zhenjiang to support their protests, further escalating the conflict with armed police.

Teachers request performance bonuses from local government

On June 16, around 300 teachers sat quietly at the Susong county government’s office, requesting for a performance bonus.