Dongguan Elegant Top Shoes Co., employee brochure translation

Monday, October 1, 2001

This translation of a Changdeng Shoe Manufacturing Company employee brochure is part of China Labor Watch's report on the Dongguan Elegant Top Shoes Co., which produces shoes for Reebok.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. General Principles

The management of this company's employees is enforced according to this regulation unless otherwise advised.

In this regulation the term "employee" refers to the male and female personnel who are working in this company and signed a contract. For the management of those temporarily employed personnel, some sections in this regulation are applicable for them when certain condition is met, other regulation would be established for the other situation.

The general manager would additionally establish the organization system chart, quota of people in each sector, and the cadre assessment.

Chapter 2. Employment

The directors of Department of Personnel or directors of other departments must interview the new candidate and only those qualified would be employed. The employees must not meet any of the following condition:

  • 1.One that is younger than 18-year-old or holding a fake ID;
  • 2. One that has any infectious disease;
  • 3. One who is mentally or psychologically ill;
  • 4. One being deprived of citizen rights for crime, embezzlement of public money, using drug and commits other major crime, or being wanted by the police.
  • 5. One worked in this company before and was dismissed or quit and marked as "never hired" in the profile.

Chapter 3. Notice for New Employees

  • 1. The new employees must report to Department of Personnel on arrival. Profile form and labor contract must be filled. Temporary ID will be given and is must be worn on the left breast according to the regulation.
  • 2. All the new employees must report according to the regulation. Valid ID must be presented to the General Director for verification. Twelve photos must be submitted, along with personal medical check, two copies of ID. Without these documents the new employee can't check in.
  • 3. New employees must attend a two-day personnel training and only those passed the exam can go to duty.
  • 4. The new employees who pass novitiate will be issued formal factory ID with deposit of 50 Yuan. The deposit will be refund when leaving the factory.
  • 5. New employees must obey to the assigned work, no reason will be accepted to transfer or switch the work.
  • 6. The novitiate lasts from three months to six months, during which the factory reserve the right to dismiss those employees who are unqualified for the work. No further compensation will be given other than the wages earned.
  • 7. The management staffs are divided into cadre man, monitor, team leader, section leader, director, vice manager, manager, coordinator, vice general manager, and general manager.
  • 8. Department Managers can nominate the staffs under group-leader.
  • 9. Group leaders are nominated and assigned by the coordinator. Directors and above are assigned by the General Manager.
  • 10. Non-management staff's ranks and their description.
    • a. Monitor level staff: warehouse keeper, quality controller, guard, dormitory keeper, technician, storage leader, driver, and telephone operator.
    • b. Team-leader level staff: personnel stuff, production administrators, buyer, accountants, nurse, custom reporter, assistants in each sections including secretary.
    • c. Section-leader level staff: assistants in administration department, engineer, doctor, general secretary of welfare, and chief editor of factory newspaper.
  • 11. Employees must obey prescriptive time of duty. No coming late or leaving early. No leaving duty in duty hours.
  • 12. Absence must be asked earlier. Medical reasons must be explained with a doctor's diagnosis or will be treated as absence without a reason. Absence for personal reason must be applied according to the formal procedure.
  • 13. Employees absent for three days continuously with a proper reason are regarded as quitting. Wages are held to compensate the factory's loss.
  • 14. Staffs must obey regulations, respect to supervisors' work arrangement and assignments.
  • 15. When a staff causes any loss to the factory, one must amends for it. Once stealing factory's property is found out, one will be dismissed and without paying one's wage. Serious case will be reported to the police.
  • 16. No punching holes of time record cards for others. No step on grass.
  • 17. To bring non-factory personnel into the company and dormitory is prohibited.
  • 18. No smoking at non-smoking area. No people transferring with cargo lifter. No usage of fire hydrant unless necessary.
  • 19. No group fighting. No instigation to cacanny, stand-down, or strike.
  • 20. No wine drinking, gambling and corrupting public morals in company.
  • 21. Factory ID must be worn when transferring inside the company or passing the gate. One must pass according to assigned route way and respect the safeguard's inspection.
  • 22. One stay in the dormitory must be back no later than 23:30. One must obey dormitory regulations and respect to the manager.
  • 23. No weapon and poisonous or ignitable item are allowed in the company. Or the holder of these items will be dismissed.
  • 24. To maintain the safety of the company, everyone has the responsibility to cooperate with the safety guard for safety inspection.
  • 25. Any personnel can complain through the company's pipe when unfair issue occurs.
  • 26. This regulation brochure costs five Yuan for each copy. If no damage occurs when the brochure is transferred, this cost will be refunded.
  • 27. All employees must obey this regulation carefully. Any offence to this regulation will be punished.

Chapter 4. Check on Work Attendance

    Staff on duty regulations:
  • 1. Company staffs must check in with the timecard by their own, no authorizations to others allowed. Mistaken with timecard must register to the safety guard and get the official stamp at the Personnel Department and the section director.
  • 2. Everyday working hours: 7:20 to 11:30 in the morning, 12:50 to 17:00 in the afternoon. Work break: 9:20 to 9:30 in the morning, 14:50 to 15:00 in the afternoon. Overtime work starts from 18:00, or otherwise noticed.
  • 3. The company prescribes 4 days break every month. Work hours for every week, including overtime work should not exceed 60 hours.
  • 4. Asking for leave: staffs asking for leave must request to section leaders and duty cards must be filled by the secretary and submitted to the Personnel Department. The procedure is printed on the asking-for-leave sheet: two to seven days leaving must reported to unit director, seven to fifteen days leaving must be permitted by the vice manager. Cadre and staff asking for leave must report to manager. The permission must be verified by the Personnel Department and then the employees are allowed to leave.
  • 5. After permission of leaving, the employee asking for leave must submit ask-for-leave card and factory ID to the Personnel Department and follow the relative procedure. When the leaving employee comes back to work, factory ID can be picked up with proof of leaving.
  • 6. Type of leavings:
    • a. Work-related injury:
      • (1) The workers injured during work, would be switch to other jobs according to the injury condition.
      • (2) According to the Labor Laws, if the workers are under insurance, they can take a medical leave.
      • (3) If the worker causes the injury on purpose or by worker's own mistake, no medical leave will be permitted.
    • b. Leave for illness:
      • (1) Medical diagnosis by the doctors inside the company must be presented and permitted by the section manager.
      • (2) The ill workers must stay in the dormitory for rest, and not allowed to stay in the living area. The ill workers can't go out of the company unless with doctor's prescription for medical treatment outside the company.
    • c. Leave for personal issues:
      • (1) When asking for leave, ask-for-leave forms must be filled and submitted to the Personnel Office. No oral application will be accepted. For the emergency cases, when asking for leave in advance is impossible, the leaving employee must report to the Personnel Office before 3 o'clock in the first day coming back to work.
    • d. Absent from work without a reason:
      • (1) If absent from work without a reason for one day, basic wage would be deducted and peccadillo will be recorded.
      • (2) If absent from work without a reason for three days or more in one month, the absentee will be dismissed. One's wages of last month and the current month will be deducted.
      • (3) Coming late and leaving early will be punished as peccadillo.
  • 7. When overtime work is required, the overtime work forms must be submitted to the safety guard before 16:30. The work attendance and overtime work attendance form must be submitted to the Personnel Office before 8:30 the next day. If these forms missed the deadline, the overtime work will not be counted.
  • 8. During work hour, if one worker leaves from the duty without permission, one will be regarded as absent from work without a reason.
  • 9. National holidays: New Year vacation has one day; Spring Festival vacation has three days; May 1st Labor Day vacation has one day; National Day vacation has two days. Other folk-custom vacations will be informed otherwise.
  • 10. Alternation of safe guard, dormitory management, and factotum will be regulated otherwise.
  • 11. Time cards must be checked by the cardholder when on and off duty everyday. One authorized others to check the card and the substitutional timecard checkers will be punished as absent from work without a reason.

Chapter 5. Wages

    Calculations of wages:
  • 1. Daily wages: wages are calculated as real workdays times daily work pay rate.
  • 2. Monthly wages: wages are calculated monthly.
  • 3. Overtime work compensation: calculated in hours. Eight hours of overtime work accumulated to one day. The hourly rate is 1.5 times the usual pay rate, overtime work on holiday will be calculated double the usual pay rate, overtime work on legal vacations are calculated triple the usual pay rate.
  • Daily and monthly wages should not be lower than the legal standard regulated in the Labor Laws. The wages are delivered before the end of the next month unless noticed otherwise.

Chapter 6. Production Safety and Fire Control

  • 1. All employees must have a conception of "safety is the No. 1 priority and mostly prevention".
  • 2. New employees must attend safety training, including electricity safety, knitting machine safety, cutting machine safety, fire safety, and etc.
  • 3. Machining equipment management staff must enforce inspection in the workshops, and repair the failure of machine on time, and prevent any possible accident. No electrical equipment should be running overload and with any fault. Any violating operation is forbidden.
  • 4. Any employee finding out unsafe factory or hidden trouble should apply treatment and report to the supervisor betimes.
  • 5. During production, no violative operation or instruction is allowed.
  • 6. Once an accident occurs, power supply should be cut off immediately.
  • 7. No gas welding should be carried out near pulverous environment or flammables. When welding is necessary, the flammables should be moved to five meters away, and fire extinguisher should be placed nearby with professional supervision.
  • 8. Welding in the warehouse or other danger location must be applied to supervising departments and safety issues must be arranged.
  • 9. Lower position must be inspected for flammable welding in the high position to avoid fire.
  • 10. Oxygen bottle and acetylene bottle must be separated in a certain distance when gas welding is carried out.
  • 11. When new equipment is being used, the voltage and frequency requirements must be checked; lubrication must be inspected; the tightness and the rotation joints must be checked, and etc.
  • 12. When welding is used in the workshop, the power cable must be connected to designate electrical outlet other than the normal lamp outlet. No incompatible cable can be used. The tightening screws must be tightened when backing out.
  • 13. Safety steps should be followed for high position operation. Skidproof establishment should be applied when bamboo ladder is used on slippery floors to ensure safety.
  • 14. When cutting machine and other triple-phase equipments are being used, power outlet must be secured to prevent burning out of the motor.
  • 15. The electrician must stand on insulated surface when works with electricity online and should not work with load.
  • 16. No repairing of broken-down machine should be tried without knowing the structure and operation theory. No parting of mechanical or electrical elements while the machine is running.
  • 17. The electrician must consider the load of the electrical equipment when doing maintenance or reparation. No overload is allowed. The warning signs of "don't switch on" and "somebody is working" should be established on site of working.
  • 18. Mechanics should check the machines frequently and ensure sufficient lubrication and cooling to avoid mechanical faults.
  • 19. All machines and equipments must be maintained regularly, and duty areas are assigned according to the company's relative regulations.
  • 20. No people transportation with the cargo lifter.
  • 21. Extra caution is required to prevent leaking or overflow when unloading or moving inflammables such as glues and impregnants.
  • 22. No chatting during work hours no matter single-machine production or line work. This is to avoid accident.
  • 23. Hallways in production filed and dormitory must keep clean and through, no stacking.
  • 24. No stacking near or under fire hydrant, electricity switches, and electricity appliances.
  • 25. No smoking in production fields and workshops. No electricity oven and other non-production related electrical heating appliance.
  • 26. When operator leaves, the machine must be shut down. No power supply after work.
  • 27. The stacking must be tidy and organized and keep a distance of 50 centimeter from power outlets.
  • 28. No admittance to warehouse for personnel without admission. No leaking of fluid and good aeration must be maintained. No fire approach.
  • 29. Caution of electricity safety should be taken. Maintenances of power supplies, appliances, and circuits must be established. No privately wiring of power lines.
  • 30. Fire hydrants and fire extinguishers must be place in regulated positions, no privately moving or damage to these equipments.
  • 31. Regular check on fire hydrants and fire extinguishers must be established. Expired or damaged equipments must be replaced or repaired to keep them in good working condition.
  • 32. All employees must get training on operations of fire extinguisher and other fire equipment.
  • 33. When fire alarm is given, no matter how serious it is, following procedure must be taken:
    • a. Keep calm and report to supervisor; call for help from nearby colleagues and call emergency phone number: 119.
    • b. Shut off all power supplies, and don't open the door and windows;
    • c. Take nearby fire extinguisher to fight the fire.
    • d. If impossible to fight the fire, follow the instruction to evacuate.
  • 34. When one getting an electric shock, others must keep calm and don't approach the one shocked. First shut off the power, and then move the shocked people to the ventilated place and report to the supervisor.
  • 35. The violation of above regulations will be treated according to the award and punishment codes. Serious violations will be reported to police, even indicted and charged.

Chapter 7. Safety and Security (Gate, Fire Control, Dormitory)

Section 1. Gate Guard

  • 1. When passing the gate, employees must not be naked or untidy.
  • 2. No visors during working hours. Special cases must be permitted by vice manager.
  • 3. When moving public property out of the gate, unit director's signed out-of-factory note must be presented. When moving private property out of the gate, inspection by safety guard must be established. It is considered stealing when moving objects out of the gate without request of inspection and the mover will be dismissed.
  • 4. No dangerous objects, weapon, inflammables in work fields or dormitory. Violators will be punished seriously and the objects will be confiscated. Serious cases will be reported to police.
  • 5. Workers must return to sleep before 23:30. Later than that must register at the security office.
  • 6. The security officers have the right to investigate what harmful to the benefits of the company or public security. The workers must obey security officers' orders.

Section 2. Fire Control

  • The establishment, application and excitation of fire management are to regulate the employees' behavior during fire emergency. The following terms are regulated:
  • 1. Fire maneuvers will be practiced every four months. This is to check all the safety regulations and investigate further improvement. Employees must study and discuss the relevant laws and documents to increase their knowledge about fir. Records must be kept for these practices.
  • 2. To propagandize the fire management regulations, and the three-level fire control system, the daily safety education must be conducted.
  • 3. Fire safety inspection system: a. usual fire safety inspection; b. timely fire safety inspection, including seasonal fire safety inspection and inspection during holidays; c. professionally fire safety inspection.
  • 4. The usage of fire, i.e., the authority of using fire.
  • 5. Electricity fire safety management. Non-electricians are not allowing installing, managing, and inspecting electrical devices. The machine operators must shut down the electricity before leaving. Annual safety check must be conducted.
  • 6. Fire equipment management. The fire equipment must be maintained by specified people and in specified place. Frequent inspection will be conducted and those don't match the requirement must be regulated.
  • 7. Warehouse safety management. Unauthorized personals are not allowed entering the warehouse. No fire oven is allowing in the warehouse. No unauthorized wiring is allowed. No smoking. No oil lights.
  • 8. The report of fire safety management. The report must include general condition and any fire incident. The report must be true, accurate, clear and on time.

Section 3. Dormitory Management

    All the dormitory users must obey the dormitory management regulations.
  • 1. After the Human Resource department setting up the beds, the workers mustn't switch or exchange their beds without permission. To share one bed with others is not allowed. No admittance to outside personals. Those who will stay out of the company dormitory will not be given a bed in the company dormitory.
  • 2. Dormitory must be kept clean and tidy. In the morning and noon time, when getting up, the mosquito curtain must be folded. The quilt must be folded in the square form and put in the middle of the bed. Under the bed, shoes must be put as a line. No obstacles around the beds. The offenders will be marked an X. When moving quilt, curtains, and any objects out of the company, an inspection must be requested to the security guard or these objects will be seized and charged as stealing.
  • 3. The following behaviors are not allowing: unauthorized light, candle lighting, poker playing, smearing and posting, coal oil oven, chess playing, and smoking.
  • 4. No fighting, gambling, alcohol drinking. Noon time nap is obliged, no chatting or talking, playing radio. In the night, after the sleep whistle, all activities must be stopped and personals must go to bed. When the lights are off, everybody must be in bed.
  • 5. When passing the dormitory gate, all employees must wear the factory ID or the dormitory manage will require one to register. No admittance of knifes, ignitable objects, strong alcohol to the dormitory. To visit the other buildings, one must register at the manager's office and it is not allowed entering the rooms without people in. Offenders will be charged as stealing.
  • 6. During working hours, for emergency cases one can enter the dormitory for up to 10 minutes with authorities from vice general manager-level officers and registration at the dormitory manager's office. A person with unauthorized entrance is responsible for any loss of property loss.
  • 7. The employees can register to stay out only before the public holidays. Injured staff and patient should stay in the dormitory and going out is not allowed. The special requirement can be arranged by signing from the managers or doctors.
  • 8. To leave the bucket or clothes in the showers to occupy the place is not acceptable
  • 9. No dispose of peel, stub, and papers. No spit. No peeing in non-toilet areas.
  • 10. To save the water, hydro must be shut off efficiently, no waste allowed. Pay attention to the public properties, damage should be compensated. The tools used for production are not allowed in dormitory.
  • 11. Other than public holidays, no basking of clothes or quilt in the hallway is allowed.
  • 12. After 9 o'clock in the morning, the night shift employees must stay in bed, no reading, no talking, and no weaving sweater. Before going to work, the bed must be clean tidy.
  • 13. The night shift workers are not allowed to get up for lunch.
  • 14. Duty must be establish for everyday cleaning in each dormitory. The personal on duty must take care of the followings:
  • a) Floor must be swept everyday. No water splashing out of the room. The cleaning tools must be established tidily.
  • b) All day tidiness must be kept. The garbage dumped beside the garbage can will be considered as the breach of duty.
  • c) If the personal on duty is absent, the successor should take responsibility.

Chapter 8. Living Management (Environment, Cafeteria)

Section 1. Environmental maintenance

  • In order to keep a nice and comfortable environment for working and live and protect the mental and physical health of all the employees, the following items are regulated.
  • 1. The environment clean is conducted and evaluated by the Department of General Issues.
  • 2. Each unit should take responsibility for the tidiness and cleanness of its areas. The janitor from each unit should clean the doors, windows, armrests, mechanical equipment.
  • 3. All employees must keep the public areas tidy and clean. Grass should be cut, and garbage should be removed.
  • 4. No stepping on grass, no culling of flowers.
  • 5. No dispose of peel, stub, and papers.
  • 6. No spit.
  • 7. No damage to the public properties.
  • 8. All employees must obey the above regulations, violators will be punished. The serious violators will be fired.
  • 9. Any employee violating the above regulations will be penalized according to the penalty regulations.

Section 2. Cafeteria

  • 1. The cafeteria users must obey the instructions from the cafeteria staff. Those disobeying will be penalized.
  • 2. The employees must go to the cafeteria on time. Special cases can be arranged to eat earlier or later with the Department of General affairs.
  • 3. The employees must enter the cafeteria in line. Each employee is allowed to take one bowl and one pair of chopsticks only. Rice should be taken first then the dishes. No picking up among the dishes.
  • 4. Rice and breakfast are provided sufficiently. The employees should pick what they can eat. The waste of food will be penalized.
  • 5. No load talking allowed during eating. The employees should be seated in queue. It is not allowed to eat or drink soup while standing.
  • 6. All remainder of food should be kept in the blank bowl and disposed in designated barrel. The tableware must be returned after the meal. It is not allowed to bring rice, dishes, or soup out of the cafeteria.
  • 7. The rice spoon must be used properly. No chop sticking in barrel for noodle and other food.
  • 8. The drop of the food or tableware off the ground must be treated on time, or will be regards as dumping of garbage.
  • 9. Slippers are not allowed during dinner. Untidy clothes are not allowed entering the cafeteria. No smoking in the cafeteria.
  • 10. For the supplemental problem, the employee can go to the kitchen to require for more food. Otherwise the employees have to take care of themselves.

Chapter 9. Promotion and Reassignment

  • 1. The employee would be promoted for work excellence and good performance.
  • 2. The company has the right to reassign its employees.

Chapter 10. Complaint Conduits

Section 1

To protect the basic human rights of the employees and keep the coordination and unity of the company, any employee can complain through the conduits to get a reasonable solution, when being unfairly treated or one's rights has been violated.

Section 2. Complaint Conduits

1. Complain to unit supervisor.

If one's rights were violated in a certain unit, one can complain to the higher level supervisor for investigation and coordination leading to a final solution.

2. The company mailbox (by the coordinator)

For the problem about personnel rights, comments about the unit, and suggestion to the company, one can complain through letter. The relevant units would investigate the comments or suggestion and report to the coordinator. The results or solution will be release to the entire factory and written to the complainer.

3. Clients' mailboxes

Personnel or human rights problem can be complained through letters to the company's clients. The company would not trace for the complainers. The complaint will be responded.

Chapter 11. Welfare

In order to improve the entertainment of the employee's lives, the Welfare Committee is established by the company. Welfare fees are deducted from employees for the welfare practice. The Welfare Committee have various entertainment equipment, including chess and pokers room, Ping-Pong room, Kong-Le ball room, basketball fields and Badminton fields for excise. The Welfare Committee have also eight units to provide service to all the employees, including stationery shop, payphone, library, barber's shop, video club, Kara OK, convenient store, and a restaurant. All employees are able to enjoy the following welfares:

  • I. Every month the Welfare Committee will send the employees whose birthdays in this month a gift. In Labor Day, a company uniform will be delivered to each employee.
  • II. During public holidays, dancing party will be organized.
  • III. The lucky draw in the party during festival of lanterns and other parties.
  • IV. The employees enjoy free meals and accommodations.
  • V. The holidays:
    • 1. Other than the legal holidays the company has four vacations
    • 2. Employees with one year service will enjoy seven days vacation (calculated from January 1st.)
  • VI. Medical treatment
    • 1. The medical office is open daily for employees with little disease and light injury.
    • 2. For injury during work, the company will cover the medical expense.
    • 3. If the employee has to stay in hospital, medical fund will be applied.
  • VII. The medical fund
    • 1. Purpose: in order to protect the employees with non-work related disease and major injury, the mutual medical fund is established to relieve the employees' financial difficulties.
    • 2. Usage: this mutual medical fund will be used for the employees who are suffering from
      • (1) non-work related disease and need to stay in hospital,
      • (2) major injury from an accident. In the above cases, the portion of medical expense that exceeds 200 Yuan can be compensated by the mutual medical fund within application.
    • 3. Source: the mutual medical fund are from the employees' income according the follows:
      • (1) Workers: 2 Yuan
      • (2) Staff: 3 Yuan
      • (3) Group and Team leaders: 4 Yuan
      • (4) Managers and above: 5 Yuan.
      • (5) When the fund is not sufficient, the Welfare Committee would manager it. If shortage endures more than three months, an increase of deduction would be established with 0.50 Yuan each time. When the balance of the fund is maintained for consequent three months, the deduction will be recovered to the above levels.
    • 4. Medical compensation:
      • (1) For workers working less than six months, 60% of the portion of medical expense exceeding 200 Yuan will be compensated. The serious injury from major accident does not count.
      • (2) The limitation of compensate: with the receipt from the hospital and verification, the limitations of medical compensation are listed as follows:
        • General workers: 3000 Yuan
        • Staffs: 4000 Yuan
        • Group and Team leaders: 5000 Yuan
        • Managers and above: 60000 Yuan.
        • The limitations will be maintained during the shortage of the total fund.
      • (3) The compensation amount is calculated with register fees, treatment, medicine, inspection, injection, medical examination, surgery, and nursing expenses.
      • (4) The mutual medical fund is managed by the Welfare Committee.
      • (5) The deposit and spending of the mutual medical fund are executed by the Accounting Service. Its account is separated from other accounts and will be signed by the chief of the Welfare Committed. The spending item should be released to the public.
      • (6) The procedure of application is as follows: filling the application form, with attachment of factory doctor and receipts from the hospital, letter from the Human Resource for verification of the time attending the factory, signature from the chief of the Welfare Committee, release of the medical compensation.
      • (7) The compensation of non-accidental injury has to be permitted by the factory doctor, or medical compensation can't be established.
    • 5. This procedure will be effective when it is released. Supplemental notice will be given for the unclear practice.

Chapter 12. Rewards and Penalties

In order to encourage the good work and promote the advanced employees, and to urge on the slow employees, this part of the regulation is established to clarify the reword and penalty policy.

Section 1. Summary

  • 1. The rewards include commendation, honor, higher honor, and promotion. Three times of commendation count as an honor and three honors count as a higher honor. The record of honors will act as evidence for promotion.
  • 2. The penalties include warning, record of mistake, record of major mistake, demotion, degrading, and disemployment. Three warnings count as a record of mistake. Three records of mistake count as a major mistake. Three records of major mistake will lead to disemployment.
  • 3. The rewards and penalties can cancel out. Bounty will be awarded to the employees with good excellent work. The awards will be recorded in one's profile.
  • 4. If the employee doesn't sign to accept the penalty, one can appeal to the supervisor or supervisor's assistant in 24 hours. The incompliancy can incur stronger penalty if one's appeal failed with false excuses. If no appeal was submitted during 24 hours, the employee being penalized is considered accepting the penalty.
  • 5. The officers or staff with two records of major mistake will be degraded for two levels, and one level for two records of mistake. The staff with a record of major mistake will be degraded for one level.
  • 6. The loss of property caused by ignorant must be compensated by who is responsible for the loss.
  • 7. The penalty will be doubled if one commits the same mistake.
  • 8. Supplemental notice will be released to reinforce the regulation.

Section 2. Awards

  • I. The following achievement will be recorded as commendation:
    • 1. Behavior, work, efficiency, performances as good as other workers' model.
    • 2. Contribution to the unity and compliance of one's unit.
    • 3. Consideration to the whole benefits of the company.
    • 4. Working actively and make major contribution to the unit.
    • 5. Excellent performance to the safety, management, practice, cost saving, environmental protection.
  • II. The following achievement will be recorded as an honor:
    • 1. Effective suggestions to improve the technology or management.
    • 2. Saving in materiel or effective recycling.
    • 3. Brave behavior and proper treatment during incident.
    • 4. Disclosure or prosecution of violations to company policies or benefits.
  • III. The following achievement will be recorded as a major honor:
    • 1. Effective invention or suggestion to improve the production equipments.
    • 2. Devoted behavior to save the property or reduce damage during an accident or hazard.
    • 3. To protect the safety of employees and adventured to achieve certain assignment.
    • 4. To protect the major benefits of the company and avoid major loss.
    • 5. Other major contribution to the company.

Section 3 Penalties

  • I. The following behavior will be recorded as one warning.
    • 1. Instead of leaving the work card in the card box, bring the work card out of the shop.
    • 2. Who is neither medical staff nor patient but grabbing hot waters in the medical office.
    • 3. Not wearing the factory ID on the left breast of the outer wear.
    • 4. Naked or untidy when passing by the gate.
    • 5. Not taking off the bike when passing by the gate and not driving slowly in the factory with speed exceeding 10 km/hour.
    • 6. Bring food to hallway and smoking in nonsmoking areas.
    • 7. Switching or changing beds.
    • 8. Pulling the curtains privately.
    • 9. Talking loudly in the dormitory, dropping around without registration. Not sleeping during noon time. Chatting, shouting, and playing radio. Not sleeping after lighting off.
    • 10. Using barrel, clothes to occupy shower. The items will be withheld once discovered.
    • 11. Basking of quilt, mosquito curtain during non-holiday.
    • 12. Jumping over hallway and balcony.
    • 13. Standing eating, or bring food out of the cafeteria.
    • 14. Chatting, staying outside topless, and wearing slippers to go out of dormitory.
    • 15. Smoking in cafeteria and eating shelled nuts.
    • 16. Using pubic spoon in a private bowl or private chopsticks in the public barrel container.
    • 17. Picking when choosing dishes, and talking loudly when having the meal.
    • 18. Not being seated in queue, or standing when drinking soup.
    • 19. Putting feet on the chair when have the meal.
    • 20. Entering unauthorized area during work hours.
    • 21. Shouting in working arena.
    • 22. Seating on grass or armrest of the skating rink, or non-skater entering the rink.
    • 23. Napping, tapping on table, or putting legs on table during the Welfare Committee activities.
    • 24. Refusal to take on duty when the duty guy is absent.
    • 25. Failure to meet the quality requirement thoroughly.
    • [text missing]
    • 54. Production of defeated product continuously.
    • 55. Poor quality conception causing too much throwback.
    • 56. Low working efficiency causing delay for the process.
    • 57. Faulty material consumption causing waste.
    • 58. Failure the cleaning up the working table after work.
    • 59. Faulty duty conduction.
    • 60. The usage of wrong facility to moving objects.
    • 61. Failure to picking out the faulty product and leave it to the next process.
    • 62. Major production failure, which causing the delay of the process.
    • 63. Failure to check the faulty product on site.
    • 64. Not obeying the queuing to leave after work.
    • 65. Joking or chatting during work hours, disordering the production line.
    • 66. Changing the standard practice procedure privately, causing trouble to the next process.
    • 67. Poor quality concept and refusal to improve production quality.
    • 68. Ignorant of material usage causing overdraft of materials.
  • II. The following behavior will be recorded as one minor mistake.
    • 1. Carrying overdraft objects and dangerous knives to the working arena.
    • 2. Dormitory residents coming back later than 23:30.
    • 3. Without permission, using electricity, lights, candle, playing poker, posting, burning, smoking, playing chess.
    • 4. Using barrel to obtain hot water.
    • 5. Tooth brushing on balcony.
    • 6. Failure to shut off the hydro on time, and wasting water.
    • 7. Jumping or balcony.
    • 8. Getting three "x" for room sanity check.
    • 9. Dropping food and kitchenware on the floor and failure to clean up.
    • 10. Abuse, threatening, intimidation of on-duty staff.
    • 11. Trading or exchanging the factory ID.
    • 12. Eating while waling, throwing peel, stud, paper piece, or spitting.
    • 13. Snapping plant and flower, stepping on grass, and daubing on wall.
    • 14. Non-kitchen staff entering the kitchen without permission.
    • 15. The repeating dehiscence of heel part.
    • 16. Wrong counting causing waster of materials.
    • 17. Failure to use the proper pigment and causing color mismatch.
    • 18. Work overtime without permission.
    • 19. Losing production tools or equipment.
    • 20. Not through duty conduction that causing loss of the company.
    • 21. Failure to produce sample shoes.
    • 22. Arguing during work hours.
    • 23. Entering other shops which are not designated.
    • 24. Poor quality conception causing too much waster.
    • 25. Ignorant working, hanging out, and refusal to expostulation.
    • 26. Careless working and causing failure to meet the quantity requirement.
    • 27. Failure to shut off the electricity after work.
    • 28. Wasting raw material and refusal to pay attention.
    • 29. Reckless working and concealing defeated product.
    • 30. Desultoriness in working, and disobeying the supervision.
    • 31. Remiss of work and packing the wrong product.
    • 32. Removing materials to other units.
    • 33. Late for work and leaving earlier.
  • III. The following behavior will be recorded as one major mistake.
    • 1. The dormitory user who doesn't go back to sleep.
    • 2. Jumping in the factory after designated hours.
    • 3. Exiting the back door during work hours without permission
    • 4. Wasting rice.
    • 5. Splashing water or dumping from the balcony.
    • 6. Failure to register for sleep over before the holiday night.
    • 7. Sleeping during the ten minutes break.
    • 8. Shopping during work hours without permission.
    • 9. Ignorant quality conception which leads to defeated products.
    • 10. Improper treatment of remainder materials.
    • 11. Managers smoking.
    • 12. Disobeying supervisor's instruction and order.
    • 13. Packing defeated products privately.
    • 14. Disobeying safety regulation and causing accident.
    • 15. Sleep during work hours.
    • 16. Failure to treat the string properly.
    • 17. Smoking in workshop including toilet.
    • 18. Tuning strip speed without permission.
  • IV. The employee commits the following behavior will be discharged.
    • 1. The safety guard and dormitory manager that sleeping when one duty.
    • 2. The safety guard and dormitory manger that being ignorant, rude, and irresponsible.
    • 3. The kitchen workers that stealing in kitchen.
    • 4. Absence without a reason for three times in a single month.
    • 5. Absence during the period of resignation.
    • 6. Employees that fighting, making noise, organization strike.
    • 7. Carrying out personal properties without check from the safety guard.
    • 8. Polluting the company environment on purpose.
    • 9. Lending factory ID to others or leading strangers into the factory.
    • 10. Drinking, gambling, and fighting in the dormitory.
    • 11. Peeing or shitting in non-toilet areas.
    • 12. Bringing production equipments to dormitory.
    • 13. Entering the vacant room will be charged as stealing.
    • 14. Using other's ID to check in the hotel.
    • 15. Cutting off redundant part without permission.
    • 16. Theft of company property will be prosecuted. The employee commits theft will be discharged.
  • V. The following damage should be compensated:
    • 1. Damage to the elements on purpose.
    • 2. The waste of materials caused by ignorant operation.
    • 3. Breach of duty that cause delay of production.
    • 4. Damage or lost of company's money or property.

Chapter 13. Dismissal

    The following employees will be dismissed:
  • 1. Those failed to meet the work requirement during internship or working with a negative attitude and can't keep up good work.
  • 2. Serious violators to the company policy and regulations.
  • 3. Those who don't want to working in the company and want to terminate the contract.
  • 4. The dismissal includes resignation, quitting, dismissal, and discharge.
  • 5. The employees who are quitting, dismissed, or discharged must leave the company in the designate superintended by the Department of General Affairs. Enforcement will be executed if the employees refuse to leave.
  • 6. The normal leaving employees must continue working before permission to leave. If one is absent, disobeys assignment, or works carelessly, the unit manager can discharge the employee.
  • 7. The employees must fill the forms to designate somebody to withdraw the wages. The procurator's name, unit, ID number must be filled clearly or the wage will not be released. The unpaid wages will be withheld after two month.
  • 8. The quitting employees can't take the remainder wages, which will be withheld as compensation to the loss of the company.
  • 9. The employee must resign with a written notice in one month earlier to termination the employment contract. The resignation must be permitted by the supervisor. Otherwise the remainder wage will be hold as compensation to the loss of the company.
  • 10. All leaving employees must transfer the job and return all the tools, factory ID. They are allowed to leave after the permission from their supervisors, otherwise the factory ID deposits and their remainder wages will not be released.
  • 11. The wages to the leaving employees:
  • 12. The resigning and the quitting employees' factory ID deposits will be released in the 29th and 30th of the next month.
  • 13. The wages for the resigning and dismissed employee will be calculated in the day of resignation and dismissal.
  • 14. The quitting employees don't have the right of taking the reminder wages.

Supplementary articles

  • 1. This regulation is established according to the present condition and combined with relative laws. The high level of the company reserves the rights of explanation.
  • 2. The company carries out safety production and safety sanitation according to safety regulations and laws.
  • 3. The detailed issues should be carried out according to detailed regulations.
  • 4. Every employee must obey the regulations in this manual and other detailed regulation. The offenders will be punished without mercy.