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Abercrombie & Fitch Adidas AMC American Eagle Ann Taylor Apple Armani Exchange AT&T Bali Intimates Banana Republic Bandai Battat Berghaus Bergner Betmar Hats BYD Calvin Klein Carlsberg Carrefour Cerruti 1881 Clarks Clas Ohlson Coca-Cola Conforama Crayola Crofton Cuisinart Cuisine Sante International Cuisinox Delimano Dell Disney Dollar General Eleture Ericsson Farberware Fila Fisher-Price Fontignac Foxconn Galeria Gam'Hotel GAP Garfield Giorgio Armani Glorious GMA GreenPan Haier HALTI Hanesbrands Harry Potter Hasbro Hello Kitty Home Depot Hooligan Rabbit HP Huawei Hugo Boss IBC IBM Ikea Intertek J.Crew Jakks Pacific John Varvatos KFC KKR Kohl's Konig Kuhn Rikon Lagostina Laguiole Lenovo Liz Claiborne Masonite Master Mattel McDonald's MGA Entertainment Microsoft Mobelix Momscook Morphy Richards Mountain Hardwear/MHW Mustchef NEC New Balance Nike Nintendo Nokia NSI Toys Nuwave Oppein OPPO Paderno Paul Smith Pepsi Philips Piege Co (Felina Lingerie) Polaris Princess House Puma Quiksilver Reebok Regina Miracle Russel Hobbes Sabatier Salcomp Salomon Samsung Sanrio Schoffel Sesame Street Snoopy Sola Sony Speedo Stanley Rogers SUS Takara Talbot Target Tarzan TCL TCM Tesco TESCOMA Timberland Tupperware Twin-Star Vollrath Walcoal America Walmart Winco WMF Zwilling


Anotech International Kitchenware Antai Cement AOYAGI (Qingliu) Toy Factory AVY Bao Yuan Footwear (Zhongshan) Baode Toy Factory BV (Shenzhen) BYD (International) Company Catcher (Suzhou) Technology Catcher Technology (Suqian) Chang Ye Long Chang'An Mattel 2nd Factory Chao Ba Battery Factory Chengda Shoes (Dongguan) Chitwing Mould Industry Combine Will (Dongguan) Industrial Company Compal Electronics Technology (Kunshan) CUORI Electrical Appliance (Group) CO., Ltd Dashing Decoration (Dongguan) Debao Dong Li Footwear (Dongguan) Dongguan B&N Industrial Dongguan Dong Yao Toys Dongguan Elegent Top Shoes Dongguan Fanchang Curtain Products Dongguan Grand Plastic Cement Products Dongguan Lam Sum Plastic Product Dongguan Lanyu Toy Company Dongguan Lung Cheong Toys Dongguan S Megga Telecommunications Dongguan Zhenyang Toy Company Dongyao Toy Company Duoyuan Plastic Production Flextronics (Zhuhai) Foshan City Nanhai Mattel Diecast Foxconn Fuhua Textile  Guangda Plastics Company Guangdong Master Group Stainless Steel Hangzhou Ownseas Pen Hantai Shoes He Yi Electronics and Plastics Products Factory HEG Electronics (Huizhou) Honda Auto-component Manufacturer (Foshan) Hong Da Electronics Hongkai Electronic Technology (Dongguan) HTNS Huangwu No. 2 Toy Factory Huasheng Packaging Huatai Huizhou Samsung Electronics Jabil (Shenzhen) Jabil (Wuxi) Jetta (Guangzhou) Industries Jida Toy Jingyu Toy Products (Shenzhen) Jitian Textile (Shenzhen) Jiujiang Smartball Ju Qian (Capable) Furniture Kai Long Factory Keen League Manufacturing Limited Kenseisha (Shanghai) Kiddieland Toys Kingmaker Footwear Factory K-Mate General Elec. (Zhongshan) Kong Tai Shoes Lever Style Lifeng Trademark Mastercraft International Limited Mattel Electronics Dongguan Merton Company Merton Plastics and Electronics Factory Mingwei Electronics Factory MSI Computer (Shenzhen) Nanhai Sino-American Toy Factory Ningbo Hesheng Headwear Ningbo Lucky Craft Panyu United Stationery Products Pearl Tower Garments & Toys (Shenzhen) Pegatron Group Pegatron Shanghai Quanta Regina Miracle Riteng Rong Xin Appliance Rushan Alice Garments Samkwang Samsung Electronics (Shandong) Digital Printing Sangyuan Junde Moulding Factory Shenzhen Nanling Toys Products Shenzhen Samsung Kejian Mobile Telecommunication Technology Shenzhen Shengfeng Shoes Shenzhen Shunshine Plastic Factory Shenzhen Sun Cheong Plastic Shenzhen Wei Lee Fung Plastic Product Shijie Sujiao Can Dian (Bao'an) Shingtak Shinyang Electronics Source Pro Stanley Hardware (Zhongshan) Stanley Tools (Zhongshan) Surpassing Suzhou Samsung Electronics Taiway Tenglong Hardware (Quanta Computer) Three A Stainless Steel Products Three Stars Toy Factory (A-One Plush City) Tianjin Chaarmtech Electronic Tianjin Intops Tianjin Samsung Communications Technology Tianjin Samsung Electronics Tianjin Samsung Mobile Display Tianjin Samsung Opto-Electronics Tianrei Ruzhou Cement TOYO Precision Appliance Tyco Electronics (Dongguan) United Win Technology Weili Textile (Zhongshan) Wing Fat Paper Box Winson (Taiqiang) Precision Manufacturing (Shenzhen) Winty Industries Corporation (Shenzhen) Xianfeng (Linkfair) Stainless Steel Manufactured Products Xin Qiao Electronics Xingchang Plastic (Shenzhen) Xinhui Ri Xing Stainless Steel Products Xinlong Xinwei Toy Factory Yangguang Electronics Factory Yi Kang Yi Xing Shun Fashion Manufacturer Yiu Yi Plastic & Mould Yiuwah Stationary Yong Rong Footwear (Dongguan) Yongqin Toy Factory Yubao Digital Science and Technology Manufacturing Corporation Yue Yuen (Dongguan) Zhejiang Cathaya Clothing Zhengrun Toy Factory Zhongshan Coronet Toys


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