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L’industrie des jouets : un monde impitoyable (Dec 27, 2015)
Des jeunes filles de 14 ans dans ses usines: Samsung poursuivi (Dec 22, 2015)
With factories closing, is the 'China Dream' evaporating? (Dec 22, 2015)
Une ONG française dénonce les conditions de travail chez Samsung (Dec 18, 2015)
Des ONG attaquent Samsung pour pratiques commerciales trompeuses (Dec 17, 2015)
Téléphonie : une ONG attaque Samsung France en justice (Dec 17, 2015)
삼성전자, 중국 하청 공장서 ‘아동노동 착취’ 논란•••프랑스 시민단체 ‘기만적 마케팅’ 제소 (Dec 17, 2015)
Your New 'Star Wars' Toy Might Come From Chinese Sweatshop Labor (Dec 16, 2015)
CLW Response to ICTI CARE’s Statement (Dec 15, 2015)
Hilfswerk fordert Fair-Trade-Label für Spielzeug (Dec 2, 2015)
Deux ONG dénoncent le sort des lutins de Noël chinois (Dec 2, 2015)
Response to Mattel's letter (Dec 2, 2015)
A Tale of Two Barbies: Did Mattel’s Labor Law Violations Fly Under the Radar? (Dec 1, 2015)
Statement on News Story of Huizhou-based Dongjiang Times (Nov 30, 2015)
Rights and Robots in Chinese Manufacturing (Nov 29, 2015)
The Other Side of Black Friday Price Tags (Nov 25, 2015)
Labor Abuses in Toy Factories Highlighted Days Before Thanksgiving (Nov 23, 2015)
Hasbro, Mattel Toy Suppliers Slammed In Labor Report (Nov 22, 2015)
Chinese Workers Making Barbie Dolls, ‘Frozen’ Costumes, McDonald’s Happy Meal Toys Alleged Mistreatment, Abuse: Report (Nov 20, 2015)
The Other Side of Fairy Tales: Widespread Labor Abuse in Factories Producing Top Toy Brands (Nov 20, 2015)
HEG Technology Still Employs Workers Under 18 (Nov 18, 2015)
In California, Companies Struggle to Combat Human Trafficking, Slavery In Compliance With Transparency in Supply Chains Act: Report (Nov 4, 2015)
Denuncian a iPhone por condiciones de trabajadores (Oct 28, 2015)
蘋果公司盈利多 代工廠工人工資被壓 (Oct 27, 2015)
What Apple’s Solar Plans In China Could Mean For Tech Laborers (Oct 27, 2015)
“애플은 사상최대 실적 전망•••중국 하청 노동자는 최저임금도 못 받아” (Oct 27, 2015)
China Labor Watch: Erneut Vorwürfe gegen Apples Auftragsfertiger Pegatron (Oct 26, 2015)
W Pegatronie, gdzie powstają iPhone'y i iPady, panują złe warunki pracy (Oct 24, 2015)
Apple-Zulieferer in der Kritik: Schimmel und Wanzen (Oct 23, 2015)
Arbeitsbedingungen bei Apple-Zulieferer erneut in der Kritik (Oct 23, 2015)
Insectes, mercure : les conditions de travail "misérables" d'une usine Apple en Chine (Oct 23, 2015)
Les ouvriers chinois payés 1,85 dollar de l'heure pour fabriquer l'iPhone 6s (Oct 23, 2015)
"Verabscheuungswürdige" Zustände bei Apple-Zulieferer (Oct 23, 2015)
Ķīnas “iPhone” rūpnīcas strādnieki dzīvo šausmīgos apstākļos (Oct 23, 2015)
Denuncian las "despreciables" condiciones de trabajo en planta de iPhone en China (Oct 23, 2015)
Makers van iPhone worden nog steeds uitgeknepen (Oct 23, 2015)
iPhone上海工廠 被踢爆壓榨工人 (Oct 23, 2015)
遭批血汗蘋果廠 和碩否認 (Oct 23, 2015)
ONG denuncia condições de trabalho desprezíveis em fábrica da Apple na China (Oct 23, 2015)
H&M Has a New Labor Plan: It Looks a Lot Like All the Others (Oct 23, 2015)
'Despicable' Conditions at China iPhone Plant: Report (Oct 23, 2015)
中国アップル製品工場、劣悪条件変わらず (Oct 23, 2015)
'Despicable' conditions at Apple contractor in China (Oct 23, 2015)
Apple: Planta de fábrica de iPhone tiene trabajadores en pésimas condiciones (Oct 22, 2015)
China Labor Watch kritisiert erneut die Arbeitssituation in China (Oct 22, 2015)
【更新】勞團再點名和碩上海廠 訓練不足、過度加班 (Oct 22, 2015)
Ny rapport: Slik lever iPhone-arbeiderne (Oct 22, 2015)
China Labor Watch: “Alla Pegatron i dipendenti lavorano più di 60 ore a settimana” (Oct 22, 2015)
Fábrica da Apple na China tem "condições de trabalho miseráveis" (Oct 22, 2015)
Majority of iPhone/iPad workers at Pegatron’s Shanghai factory exceed 60-hour work limit, claims China Labor Watch (Oct 22, 2015)
Apple supplier Pegatron accused of excessive overtime, low wages & unsafe conditions at Shanghai factory (Oct 22, 2015)
'Despicable' conditions at China iPhone plant (Oct 22, 2015)
Apple Supplier Factory in Shanghai Rife With Labor Abuses: Report (Oct 22, 2015)
Low wages, long hours persist at iPhone factory, says labor group (Oct 22, 2015)
iPhone 6s factory investigation reveals Apple still violates human rights of workers (Oct 22, 2015)
Chinese Factory Producing Apple’s iPhone 6s Exposed Again for Ongoing Labor Abuses (Oct 22, 2015)
Får 15 kroner timen for å lage iPhone 6s (Oct 21, 2015)
2 Things You Won’t Learn From the New Steve Jobs Film (Oct 15, 2015)
Servants of servers: Forced student labor and rights abuses in Chinese factory that manufactures servers for Dell, HP, and Lenovo (Oct 5, 2015)
Are Apple's factories full of children making 17 cents/hour? (Sep 28, 2015)
US must acknowledge worker abuse linked to its corporate giants like Apple (Sep 21, 2015)
Growth Cools Off, Worker Protest Mounts (Aug 27, 2015)
Workers Strike at Samsung Supplier Factory in Dongguan (Aug 14, 2015)
Appeal from worker and mother: Should I give up or wait to die? (Aug 12, 2015)
Second Death in Four-day Period at Foxconn Zhengzhou (Aug 10, 2015)
Another Worker Has Died at an iPhone Plant in China (Aug 7, 2015)
Foxconn Worker Dies at iPhone Assembly Plant in China (Aug 7, 2015)
At Mattel Toy Supplier, Hundreds of Workers Protest for Unpaid Wages and Benefits (Aug 7, 2015)
CLW Confirms Another Suicide of a Foxconn Worker (Aug 6, 2015)
Workers Protest for Fair Compensation at Apple Supplier in Suzhou (Aug 5, 2015)
CLW Labor News Brief for July 2015 (Aug 3, 2015)
American Unionists Join Chinese Uniqlo Workers’ Campaign for End to Alleged Abuse (Jul 29, 2015)
Labor Law Violations At Chinese Supplier To Hasbro, Mattel, Takara Tomy: Report (Jul 21, 2015)
Excessive Working Hours, Wage Theft, Labor Strike at Toy Factory of Hasbro, Mattel, and Takara Tomy (Jul 21, 2015)
Uniqlo response to CLW on Artigas workers' struggle (Jul 10, 2015)
Statement on Artigas worker protest, now in its fifth week (Jul 9, 2015)
CLW Labor News Brief for June 2015 (Jul 2, 2015)
America's Most Reputable Technology Companies (Jun 30, 2015)
China Listed One of the 10 Worst Places for Workers (Jun 29, 2015)
Artigas workers: An open letter to Artigas, brand companies, the local government, and society (Jun 26, 2015)
In China, Walmart Is Unionized, But Workers Have No Power on the Job (Jun 25, 2015)
Striking Workers Suppressed and Detained at Uniqlo Supplier Factory (Jun 25, 2015)
Hunger Strike At Uniqlo Clothing Supplier In China Highlights Industry's Search For Lower Labor Costs (Jun 16, 2015)
Conference Convened in Beijing on Chinese Labor Relations (Jun 1, 2015)
After Swedish News Report, Some Swedish Local Governments Severe Connections with Dell (May 29, 2015)
Apple’s latest bid to clean up its image in China (May 11, 2015)
International Workers' Day: Four countries that don’t seem to understand its significance (May 1, 2015)
Apple Watch Continues Legacy of Labor Abuse; China Labor Watch to Protest on 5th Ave (Apr 23, 2015)
Are These Strikes a Sign of Growing Militancy Among China’s Workers? (Apr 9, 2015)
How China Is Screwing Over Its Poisoned Factory Workers (Apr 6, 2015)
China tackles pollution, but has long way to go on labor (Apr 5, 2015)
Apple should not profit at the expense of low-wage workers (Apr 1, 2015)
Appeal for Worker Poisoned While Producing Dell, HP, Samsonite Bags (Mar 27, 2015)
Yue Yuen Strike Expands (Mar 20, 2015)
Thousands of Yue Yuen Workers On Strike Again (Mar 17, 2015)
China Strike Update: Company Making Shoes For Nike, Timberland, Kenneth Cole Agrees To Pay Workers Their Housing Fund Money (Mar 16, 2015)
Chinese worker, 26, making Apple iPhones died after enduring 12 hour shifts, seven days a week, family claim (Mar 11, 2015)
Statement on Death of iPhone 6 Worker at Pegatron Plant in Shanghai (Mar 11, 2015)
5,000-Worker Strike at Dongguan Stella Footwear Factory (Mar 10, 2015)
How can I ensure my IT equipment is ethical? (Feb 22, 2015)
Major China Apple Supplier Pays Workers Less Than Foxconn: A Q&A with Kevin Slaten of China Labor Watch (Feb 20, 2015)
Despite claims of progress, labor and environmental violations continue to plague Apple (Feb 19, 2015)
Apple's inability to monitor standards lets Pegatron pay low wages, NGO says (Feb 12, 2015)
Analyzing Labor Conditions of Pegatron and Foxconn: Apple’s Low-Cost Reality (Feb 11, 2015)
February 2015 Labor News Special Brief: Unhappy Holidays for Chinese Workers (Feb 6, 2015)
Foxconn Responds to ACFTU Criticism (Feb 4, 2015)
ACFTU: Excessive Overtime at Companies is Serious Problem (Feb 3, 2015)
Response Letter to Mattel re: CLW's 2014 toy factory inestigative report (Jan 16, 2015)
China Labor Watch Receives $42,027 from CREDO for Labor Rights Investigation and Advocacy (Jan 6, 2015)
CLW Labor News Brief (Nov. 13 - Jan. 6) (Jan 6, 2015)